February 14, 2018
Steve Marshall
For More Information, contact:
Mike Lewis (334) 353-2199
Alabama Attorney General
Joy Patterson (334) 242-7491
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Attorney General’s Office Cybercrime Lab to Provide Digital Investigative and Forensic
Support to Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Investigations
(MONTGOMERY) – Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall was joined by U.S. Attorney
Louis Franklin and officials with the U.S. Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations, the Alabama Fusion Center and the
Alabama Office of Prosecution Services in announcing the establishment of a Cybercrime Lab in
the Attorney General’s Office to assist all levels of law enforcement in the state with cyber-
related investigations.
“Today, the Alabama Attorney General’s Office, with the help of our federal, state and local
partners, officially launch the Cybercrime Lab,” said Attorney General Marshall. “One of my
priorities as Attorney General is to expand the capability of this office to combat the growing
threat of cybercrime. For law enforcement, investigating cybercrime and accessing digital
evidence present real challenges. But these hurdles can be overcome when agencies work
together to combine expertise and training. The Cybercrime Lab provides cutting edge tools to
enable our investigators to more effectively conduct online investigations of criminal activity,
ranging from child sexual exploitation and human trafficking to network intrusions and data
breaches. Equally important, the Cybercrime Lab will serve as a resource for federal, state and
local law enforcement in Alabama seeking assistance in accessing criminal evidence stored on
digital devices.
“My office has also launched a new web link for Alabama law enforcement and operators of
victimized payment card systems to report suspected debit/credit card skimming devices. This
joint effort conducted by the Alabama Focus Group on Skimming – comprised of the U.S. Secret
Service, Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries, Alabama Department of
Transportation, Alabama Fusion Center, Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, Alabama
Petroleum Equipment Contractors Association, the Petroleum & Convenience Marketers of
Alabama and the Alabama Attorney General’s Office – will collect information to be used to
investigate and prosecute persons involved in illegal skimming operations in the state.
“I would like to recognize and thank our federal law enforcement partners who donated many
of the high-tech tools in our Cybercrime Lab and provided expert training to our cyber agents,
501 Washington Avenue * Montgomery, AL 36104 * (334) 242-7300 Page 2 of 2
especially the National Computer Forensics Institute which is proudly located in the State of
Alabama,” added Attorney General Marshall. “Thanks to their support we will be able to better
protect Alabamians.”
“Cybercrime is ever increasing and touches most people in some form,” stated Louis V.
Franklin Sr., U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama. “As the level of cybercrime
becomes more sophisticated, it is important that our investigative techniques are expansive
enough to combat these criminals. This cybercrime lab will give us extra tools in our
investigative toolbox to identify and prosecute those cyber offenders.”
“The creation of this new Cybercrime Lab at the Attorney General’s Office is great news for the
people of Alabama and we are all appreciative of the Attorney General and his commitment to
this effort,” said Barry Matson, Executive Director, Office of Prosecution Services. “This new
Cybercrime Lab will benefit victims of crime and law enforcement all across Alabama. Digital
evidence is in nearly every criminal investigation and access to skilled digital forensic
examinations is imperative. This new Cybercrime Lab will make Alabama a safer place to live
and do business.”
Over the last year cyber agents with the Alabama Attorney General’s Office have already
assisted more than 30 agencies in cyber investigations, including unlocking cell phone evidence
in homicides, tracking down credit/debit card skimmers, and unmasking criminals behind
identity theft cases. What’s more, agents have also helped businesses and local governments
recover nearly $1 million potentially lost in cyber theft cases. The new Cybercrime Lab will
expand the ability of the Attorney General’s Office to conduct such investigative work.