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For Immediate Release:
August 22, 2023

For press inquiries only, contact:
Amanda Priest (334) 322-5694
Cameron Mixon (334) 242-7491

(Montgomery) – Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall issued a statement following the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit to vacate a preliminary injunction that had been entered by a district court last year in Eknes-Tucker v. Marshall. Today’s decision will soon enable the state to enforce the Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act, which prohibits the administration of sex-modification procedures to minors.

“The Eleventh Circuit reinforced that the State has the authority to safeguard the physical and psychological wellbeing of minors, even if the United States Attorney General and radical interest groups disapprove,” said Attorney General Steve Marshall. “Alabama takes this responsibility seriously by forbidding doctors from prescribing minors sex-modification procedures that have permanent and often irreversible effects. This is a significant victory for our country, for children, and for common sense.”

Attorney General Marshall has been successful in leading this legal battle across the nation, providing support to other states as they defend similar laws to protect children from sterilizing medical interventions pushed by medical interest groups driven by profit and radical ideology. In August, Marshall led a multistate brief in Missouri highlighting the dishonesty of advocacy groups like the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). Similarly, in July, General Marshall filed a brief on behalf of 21 states in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals supporting Tennessee’s and Kentucky’s laws protecting minors from chemical and surgical sex-modification procedures for kids. 

The Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act was signed into law in April 2022. On May 13, 2022, the federal district court issued a preliminary injunction enjoining the law from being enforced.
