January 31, 2011
For More Information, contact:
Luther Strange
Joy Patterson (334) 242-7491
Alabama Attorney General
Suzanne Webb (334) 242-7351
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Attorney General Luther Strange Praises Healthcare

(Montgomery) -Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange today praised a
federal judge’s ruling striking down the 2010 “Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act” (“the healthcare law”), otherwise known as “Obamacare.”
Last year Alabama, along with 25 other states, the National Federation of
Independent Business, and two individual plaintiffs, filed a lawsuit challenging
the constitutionality of the healthcare law on several grounds, including the
fact that it forces individuals to purchase health insurance against their will.
Today Judge Roger Vinson of the U.S. District Court in Pensacola ruled that
Congress exceeded its authority in passing the Act with the individual
General Strange praised the decision: “This is a great ruling by Judge
Vinson. By striking down the entire statute, the court has defended the unique
system of federalism that the Framers envisioned when they crafted the
Constitution. The State of Alabama is a plaintiff in this case, but we owe a
great deal of gratitude to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who led the
charge before Judge Vinson. Alabama will continue working with Florida and
other States to continue defending the Constitution while this case makes its
way to the United States Supreme Court.”
“This is a critically important case for the American people,” remarked
General Strange. “Our Constitution says that the federal government is one of
limited, enumerated powers. If Obamacare were upheld, then it would put us
on a path where Congress could regulate each and every phase of our lives.
Under the President’s vision of the Constitution, Congress could require
everyone in this country to buy a particular kind of car, or to use a particular
kind of computer, or to drink a particular kind of coffee. That may be
President Obama’s view of the federal government’s power under the
Constitution. But it was not the Founders’ view, and it is not the view of the
freedom-loving people I am proud to serve.”

501 Washington Avenue * Montgomery, AL 36130 * (334) 242-7300