For Immediate Release:
May 15, 2023

For press inquiries only, contact:
Amanda Priest (334) 322-5694
Cameron Mixon (334) 242-7491

Attorney General Marshall to Honor National Police Week
Says, ‘Alabama must always support our police, prioritize public safety, and ensure that we give our officers the resources and tools they need to protect our communities’
(Montgomery) – Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall recognizes National Police Week. The week of May 15th was established by Congress in 1962 to honor and remember law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.

Attorney General Steve Marshall, Alabama’s Chief Law Enforcement Officer, observed, “This week reminds us to stop and reflect on the dedication and sacrifice of our law enforcement officials every day that they wear the badge,” said Attorney General Marshall. “Alabama has lost far too many officers in the line of duty, including Huntsville Police Officer Garrett Crumby who lost his life in March.”

“We must never let their deaths become just another statistic. Alabama must always support our police, prioritize public safety, and ensure that we give our officers the resources and tools they need to protect our communities and themselves. The recently-passed Deputy Brad Johnson Act and the momentum behind the Alabama Gang Prevention Act send a clear message—Alabama stands with law enforcement.

Attorney General Marshall is leading the charge to correct deficiencies within our criminal justice system by advocating for the Alabama Gang Prevention Act, the recently passed Deputy Brad Johnson Act dealing with correctional incentive time, and closing loopholes within our parole system. In April, 162 Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police from across the state called for the swift passage of SB 143 and HB 191, the Alabama Gang Prevention Act.

The Office of Attorney General hosts educational trainings for law enforcement annually during the Law Enforcement Summit. This year’s Summit will be held on October 24, 2023. Additionally, the Attorney General honors the families of fallen officers throughout the year.
