Consumer Questionnaires
Legend Windows Questionnaire Legend Windows Questionnaire
Fantasy Sports Operators
Renewal Fees: Fantasy contest operators in excess of $10 million shall pay a renewal registration fee of $85,000. All other fantasy contest operators shall pay an initial registration fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000). Alabama law requires fantasy contest operators to register with the Attorney General’s Office. (Fantasy Contests Act, Section 8-19F-3 of the Code […]
Charitable Organizations
Alabama law requires that charitable organizations and institutions that solicit contributions in or from this state register with the Attorney General’s Office. A fee of $25 is required for initial registration and for subsequent annual filings. Charitable organizations must file annually, within 90 days of the close of its fiscal year. It must do this […]
Health Studios
Alabama law requires sellers of health studio services to register with the Attorney General’s office. Alabama law governing Health Studios is found in Section 8-23-1 through 8-23-13 of the Code of Alabama. Registration To register your Health Studio, use the below online application. AGO Online Health Studio Registration Registration Search You may search our registered Health Studios by clicking here . Legacy […]
Alabama Telemarketing Act
The Alabama Telemarketing Act, beginning at Section 8-19A-1 of the Code of Alabama, requires any organization, institution, or person who engages in commercial telephone solicitation to be licensed by the Attorney General’s Office. Both the failure to register and the falsification of information on an application are punishable as a class C felony. Ala Code § 8-19A-21(1994). Changes to Registration Section […]
Consumer Complaint
Consumer Hotline: 1-800-392-5658 or 334-242-7335 Please fill out the form completely and describe your situation in as much detail as possible. Complaints are processed in the order in which they are received. You will be notified by mail once your complaint is assigned to a Consumer Specialist for review. This notification will include the name […]
Licensing and Registration
Currently Registered Self-Service Options
Charities, Telemarketing Firms, Commercial Co-Venturers, and Professional Fundraisers may now login to their respective registration profiles to: Renew Registrations, Update Demographics, Submit Financial Reports, Manage Solicitors or Salespeople, and much more. You may login to this service here: Registration Profile Charities only may create their profiles here: Create Online Profile All other entities have been sent instructions […]
Professional Fundraiser or Commercial Co-Venturer and Professional Solicitors
Alabama law requires professional fundraisers, professional solicitors, and commercial co-venturers to register with the Attorney General’s Office. Ala Code § 13A-9-70 (1996) . Professional Fundraisers plan, conduct, manage, or carry-on a drive or campaign for the purposes of soliciting charitable contributions in this state. Professional solicitors are employed or compensated by a professional fundraiser to solicit contributions for charitable purposes. […]
Data Breach Notification
The Alabama Data Breach Notification Act of 2018 (Acts 2018-396) requires certain entities who have experienced a data breach to notify the Attorney General when the breach results in the unauthorized acquisition of sensitive personally identifying information and is reasonably likely to cause substantial harm to the individuals to whom the information related. To notify […]